The InputState function is designed for older applications (RFgen 5.0 and 5.1) that were migrated to RFgen 5.2 and the application prompts no longer execute OnEnter events if the prompt cannot receive focus. For example, in RFgen 5.1, a hidden prompt in an application was able to receive focus and execute an OnEnter event, but in RFgen 5.2, receiving focus is not allowed if the prompt is hidden, and therefore the OnEnter event won't execute. This also applies to prompts that are smaller than 3 x 3 pixels.
There are two ways to force the OnEnter event to fire on a hidden or prompt that isn't able to receive focus:
a. Set the server Configuration > Environment Settings: System Options "Use Legacy OnEnter Events = True". This enables the OnEnter event as it behaved in 4.1, 5.0, and 5.1.
b. Set the server Configuration > Environment Settings: System Options "Use Legacy OnEnter Events = False" and add script that will force the OnEnter event to execute only in places where the InputState is defined for the prompt.
Syntax: Prompt.InputState = [enInputState]
InputDisabled - This prevents the OnEnter event from executing.
InputNormal - This enables the OnEnter event and will handle the data as it normally should. (i.e. Displays the selected data values in the prompt and allows it to be edited by the user.)
InputReadOnly - This enables the OnEnter event but the value that was selected in the prompt will be treated as read-only.
txtItemId.InputState = ReadOnly 'This prompt contains the Item ID so the user can see which item was selected at the top of their application.
Versions Supported: and newer.